Procedural generation of metroidvania style maps for Godot .NET.
Generating a Layout

The following subsections outline how to procedurally generate an arrangement of rooms, called a Layout.

Step 1: Create Rooms and Room Templates

The procedural generator creates layouts by pulling from user-defined room templates. To the generator, a room is a collection of cells in a grid, with information, such as the available door connections, assigned to them.

Creating a Room

  1. From an empty scene in Godot, create a RoomNode2D or RoomNode3D depending on whether you wish to develop in 2D or 3D. One of these node types must serve as the root of your room scene.
  2. In the inspector, specify the number of cell rows and columns, along with the cell size to create the bounding shape of the room.
  3. When the room node is selected, a toolbar will appear in the Godot main window (Circled in red in the screenshot below). The options on this toolbar may be used to edit the cell activities to further define the shape of the room. For instance, selecting the toggle edit mode button, then clicking or dragging over cells in the view will toggle the targeted cells on or off.

Note: For RoomNode3D, you must be in the top view in order to edit cell activities. The top view can be navigated to by clicking the positive Y axis on the axis gizmo or selecting Top View from the 3D main window's perspective menu. The toolbar will show a check mark when the cells can be edited.

In the below screenshot, the cells for an angle shaped room have been created, with the active cells shown in blue and inactive cells shown in red and crossed-out. The active cells are the regions where we intend to build our scene.

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Creating Doors

Doors define the locations where two rooms can be connected. At least one door must be added to a room.

  1. Add a DoorNode2D or DoorNode3D as a child of the room based on your room type. To save time, you may wish to create your doors as separate scenes with any related nodes, such as sprites or collision, as children. These scenes can then be referenced in your room scene.
  2. Position the door within the room and assign its direction and connection constraints.
  3. To auto assign the closest cell and direction to the door, make sure the applicable flags are selected in the inspector and click the Auto Assign button on the room toolbar. The assigned door direction will be based on its location relative to the center of its assigned cell.

Additional room child nodes such as CollectableSpot2D, Feature2D, RoomFlag2D, or their respective 3D nodes can also be added to the room if you wish them to be included.

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Exporting Room Templates

The procedural generator uses one or more RoomTemplateResource exported from RoomNode2D or RoomNode3D to generate layouts.

  • To perform auto assignment and save the room template for an individual room, click the Update Room Template button on the room toolbar. This will create a RoomTemplateResource with the .room_template.tres extension at the same path as the scene.
  • Alternately, to perform this operation on multiple saved rooms within a project, select the Project > Tools > Mania Map > Batch Update Room Templates option from the menu.

Step 2: Create Room Template Groups

One or more TemplateGroup are used by the procedural generator to determine which rooms can be assigned to a given position in a layout.

  1. To create a template group, right click in the Godot File System doc, select Create New... > Resource, then create a new TemplateGroup.
  2. Double click on the newly created template group and, in the Godot inspector, assign a unique name to the group.
  3. For the Entries property, add a new TemplateGroupEntry element and assign a RoomTemplateResource to the Room Template property slot. Repeat this for all rooms that you wish to assign to the group.

Step 3: Create a Layout Graph

The procedural generator uses a LayoutGraphResource as a base for generating layouts. This allows you to design high level relationships between rooms while still making the resulting layout appear random.

  1. To create a layout graph, right click in the Godot File System dock, select Create New... > Resource, then create a new LayoutGraphResource.
  2. Double click on created resource and a Graph Editor tab will appear in Godot's bottom panel.
  3. In the Graph Editor panel, right click to add nodes, which will serve as room locations, to the graph.
  4. To add edges, serving as connections between rooms, to the graph, click and drag between the circular handles on the right and left sides of two nodes.
  5. Selecting nodes and/or edges will allow you to edit their properties in the Godot inspector. Each node must have a TemplateGroup assigned; though it is optional for edges.

Note: Edits to the layout graph will be saved automatically when Godot or the graph editor panel are closed.

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Step 4: Create a Generation Pipeline

The GenerationPipeline takes various inputs and feeds them through a series of operational steps to generate one or more outputs. In the context of this plugin, the output is most notably a room Layout.

  1. To create a pipeline, add a GenerationPipeline node to a new or existing scene.
  2. Select the pipeline and click Add Default Nodes in the inspector. This will create a pipeline capable of generating a Layout.
  3. Add one or more LayoutGraphResource to the automatically generated LayoutGraphsInput node.
  4. Optionally, add one or more CollectableGroup to the automatically generated CollectableGroupsInput node.
  5. Create a script that references the GenerationPipeline you wish to run, and call the Run, RunAsync, or RunAttemptsAsync methods to generate a layout. For example:
using MPewsey.ManiaMap;
using MPewsey.ManiaMapGodot.Generators;
public partial class ExampleGenerationPipelineRunner : Node
[Export] public GenerationPipeline Pipeline { get; set; }
public void RunPipeline()
var results = Pipeline.Run();
var layout = results.GetOutput<Layout>("Layout");
// At this point, you will probably want to do something with the layout...
// * You could save it to file using the JsonSerialization or XmlSerialization static classes.
// * You could use the RoomTemplateGroupDatabase to instantiate the rooms in the layout.
// * You could use it with the LayoutTileMap or LayoutTileMapBook nodes to generate maps.
// See the project samples for example implementations.

Note: Depending on your room templates and layout graph, it may not be possible to generate a layout for all (if any) random seeds. If you are encountering issues with successfully generating a layout, you may need to reconsider the constraints imposed on its generation. For example, you may need to add more doors to ensure that your rooms have a better chance of connecting. Even then, you may still encounter some isolated failures, in which case the generation pipeline RunAttempsAsync method can help by automatically falling back to other seeds.